16:37:27: INFO: FH_LOADER WAS CALLED EXACTLY LIKE THIS ************************************************ fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\COM10 --sendxml=rawprogram0.xml --search_path=C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028 --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --memoryname=emmc --verbose --convertprogram2read ************************************************ 16:37:27: DEBUG: Binary build date: May 9 2017 @ 03:56:18 16:37:27: DEBUG: Build Version: 17.05. 16:37:27: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\alldcube\MiFlash20200314\ 16:37:27: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging 16:37:27: DEBUG: New connections will be remembered. 16:37:27: DEBUG: 16:37:27: DEBUG: 16:37:27: DEBUG: Status Local Remote Network 16:37:27: DEBUG: 16:37:27: DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16:37:27: DEBUG: Unavailable Z: \\vmware-host\Shared Folders 16:37:27: DEBUG: VMware Shared Folders 16:37:27: DEBUG: The command completed successfully. 16:37:27: DEBUG: 16:37:27: INFO: 16:37:27: INFO: Trying to store 'rawprogram0.xml' in string table 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'rawprogram0.xml' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rawprogram0.xml') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rawprogram0.xml') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:27: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:27: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rawprogram0.xml' (19090 bytes) 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rawprogram0.xml') with AccessMode='r' 16:37:27: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'system.img' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\system.img') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling stat(system.img') (_) __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ 16:37:27: WARNING: find_file:7752 Couldn't find the file 'system.img', returning NULL 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'system.img' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\system.img') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling stat(system.img') (_) __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ 16:37:27: WARNING: find_file:7752 Couldn't find the file 'system.img', returning NULL 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'vendor.img' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\vendor.img') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling stat(vendor.img') (_) __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ 16:37:27: WARNING: find_file:7752 Couldn't find the file 'vendor.img', returning NULL 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'vendor.img' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\vendor.img') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling stat(vendor.img') (_) __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ 16:37:27: WARNING: find_file:7752 Couldn't find the file 'vendor.img', returning NULL 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'persist.img' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\persist.img') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling stat(persist.img') (_) __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ 16:37:27: WARNING: find_file:7752 Couldn't find the file 'persist.img', returning NULL 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:27: INFO: Looking for file 'userdata.img' 16:37:27: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\userdata.img') 16:37:27: DEBUG: 2. Calling stat(userdata.img') (_) __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ 16:37:27: WARNING: find_file:7752 Couldn't find the file 'userdata.img', returning NULL 16:37:27: DEBUG: User wants FIREHOSE VERBOSE - Target will log much of what it is doing 16:37:27: INFO: User wants to talk to port '\\.\COM10' 16:37:28: DEBUG: port_fd=0x34 16:37:28: INFO: Took 0.32800000 seconds to open port 16:37:28: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is ,, others, , 16:37:28: INFO: If you don't want this, use --dontsorttags 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'xbl.elf' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf' (2562793 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 2562793 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 5006 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('xbl.elf') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'xbl.elf' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf' (2562793 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\xbl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 2562793 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 5006 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('xbl.elf') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'tz.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn' (1970176 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 1970176 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 3848 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('tz.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'tz.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn' (1970176 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\tz.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 1970176 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 3848 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('tz.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'rpm.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn' (224824 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 224824 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 440 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('rpm.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'rpm.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn' (224824 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\rpm.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 224824 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 440 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('rpm.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'hyp.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn' (278528 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 278528 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 544 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('hyp.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'hyp.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn' (278528 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\hyp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 278528 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 544 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('hyp.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'pmic.elf' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf' (39752 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 39752 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 78 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('pmic.elf') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'pmic.elf' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf' (39752 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\pmic.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 39752 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 78 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('pmic.elf') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'boot.img' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img' (53454120 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 53454120 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 104403 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('boot.img') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'boot.img' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img' (53454120 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\boot.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 53454120 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 104403 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('boot.img') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'km4.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn' (312360 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 312360 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 611 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('km4.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'km4.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn' (312360 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\km4.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 312360 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 611 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('km4.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'cmnlib.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn' (222184 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 222184 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 434 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('cmnlib.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'cmnlib64.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn' (274104 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 274104 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 536 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('cmnlib64.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'cmnlib.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn' (222184 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 222184 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 434 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('cmnlib.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'cmnlib64.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn' (274104 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\cmnlib64.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 274104 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 536 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('cmnlib64.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'mdtpsecapp.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn' (1078856 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 1078856 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 2108 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('mdtpsecapp.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'mdtpsecapp.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn' (1078856 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtpsecapp.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 1078856 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 2108 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('mdtpsecapp.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'mdtp.img' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img' (17808306 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 17808306 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 34782 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('mdtp.img') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'mdtp.img' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img' (17808306 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\mdtp.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 17808306 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 34782 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('mdtp.img') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'NON-HLOS.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin' (91828736 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 91828736 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 179353 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('NON-HLOS.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'NON-HLOS.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin' (91828736 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\NON-HLOS.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 91828736 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 179353 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('NON-HLOS.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'dspso.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin' (16777216 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 16777216 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 32768 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('dspso.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'dspso.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin' (16777216 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\dspso.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 16777216 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 32768 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('dspso.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'abl.elf' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf' (151552 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 151552 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 296 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('abl.elf') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'abl.elf' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf' (151552 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\abl.elf') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 151552 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 296 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('abl.elf') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'splash.img' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\splash.img') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\splash.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\splash.img' (4113460 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\splash.img') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 4113460 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 8035 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('splash.img') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'sec.dat' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\sec.dat') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\sec.dat') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\sec.dat' (80 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\sec.dat') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 80 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 1 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('sec.dat') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'BTFM.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin' (569344 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 569344 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 1112 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('BTFM.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'BTFM.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin' (569344 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\BTFM.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 569344 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 1112 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('BTFM.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'devcfg.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn' (49068 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 49068 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 96 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('devcfg.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'devcfg.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn' (49068 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\devcfg.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 49068 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 96 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('devcfg.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'storsec.mbn' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\storsec.mbn') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\storsec.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\storsec.mbn' (49168 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\storsec.mbn') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 49168 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 97 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('storsec.mbn') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'gpt_main0.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_main0.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_main0.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_main0.bin' (17408 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_main0.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 17408 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 34 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('gpt_main0.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: DEBUG: ================================================================================== 16:37:28: INFO: Looking for file 'gpt_backup0.bin' 16:37:28: DEBUG: 1. Calling stat(C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_backup0.bin') 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_backup0.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: Found 'C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_backup0.bin' (16896 bytes) 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('C:\alldcube\T1009_20201028\gpt_backup0.bin') with AccessMode='rb' 16:37:28: DEBUG: Trying get filesize, calling fseek() 16:37:28: DEBUG: File size is 16896 bytes 16:37:28: DEBUG: NumSectors needed 33 16:37:28: DEBUG: 2. Calling fopen('gpt_backup0.bin') with AccessMode='wb' 16:37:28: INFO: Total to be tansferd with or is 361.82 MB 16:37:28: INFO: Sending 16:37:28: DEBUG: CHANNEL DATA (P0000) (H00202) ( 228 bytes) - HOST TO TARGET --> =========================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================ 16:37:28: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 1 of 100 16:37:28: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 2 of 100 16:37:28: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 3 of 100 16:37:29: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 4 of 100 16:37:29: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 5 of 100 16:37:29: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 6 of 100 16:37:29: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 7 of 100 16:37:30: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 8 of 100 16:37:30: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 9 of 100 16:37:30: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 10 of 100 16:37:30: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 11 of 100 16:37:31: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 12 of 100 16:37:31: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 13 of 100 16:37:31: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 14 of 100 16:37:31: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 15 of 100 16:37:32: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 16 of 100 16:37:32: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 17 of 100 16:37:32: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 18 of 100 16:37:32: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 19 of 100 16:37:33: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 20 of 100 16:37:33: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 21 of 100 16:37:33: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 22 of 100 16:37:33: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 23 of 100 16:37:34: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 24 of 100 16:37:34: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 25 of 100 16:37:34: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 26 of 100 16:37:34: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 27 of 100 16:37:35: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 28 of 100 16:37:35: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 29 of 100 16:37:35: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 30 of 100 16:37:35: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 31 of 100 16:37:36: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 32 of 100 16:37:36: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 33 of 100 16:37:36: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 34 of 100 16:37:36: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 35 of 100 16:37:37: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 36 of 100 16:37:37: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 37 of 100 16:37:37: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 38 of 100 16:37:37: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 39 of 100 16:37:38: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 40 of 100 16:37:38: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 41 of 100 16:37:38: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 42 of 100 16:37:38: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 43 of 100 16:37:39: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 44 of 100 16:37:39: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 45 of 100 16:37:39: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 46 of 100 16:37:39: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 47 of 100 16:37:40: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 48 of 100 16:37:40: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 49 of 100 16:37:40: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 50 of 100 16:37:40: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 51 of 100 16:37:41: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 52 of 100 16:37:41: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 53 of 100 16:37:41: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 54 of 100 16:37:41: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 55 of 100 16:37:42: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 56 of 100 16:37:42: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 57 of 100 16:37:42: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 58 of 100 16:37:42: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 59 of 100 16:37:43: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 60 of 100 16:37:43: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 61 of 100 16:37:43: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 62 of 100 16:37:43: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 63 of 100 16:37:44: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 64 of 100 16:37:44: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 65 of 100 16:37:44: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 66 of 100 16:37:44: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 67 of 100 16:37:45: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 68 of 100 16:37:45: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 69 of 100 16:37:45: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 70 of 100 16:37:45: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 71 of 100 16:37:46: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 72 of 100 16:37:46: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 73 of 100 16:37:46: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 74 of 100 16:37:46: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 75 of 100 16:37:47: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 76 of 100 16:37:47: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 77 of 100 16:37:47: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 78 of 100 16:37:47: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 79 of 100 16:37:48: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 80 of 100 16:37:48: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 81 of 100 16:37:48: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 82 of 100 16:37:48: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 83 of 100 16:37:49: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 84 of 100 16:37:49: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 85 of 100 16:37:49: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 86 of 100 16:37:49: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 87 of 100 16:37:50: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 88 of 100 16:37:50: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 89 of 100 16:37:50: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 90 of 100 16:37:50: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 91 of 100 16:37:51: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 92 of 100 16:37:51: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 93 of 100 16:37:51: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 94 of 100 16:37:51: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 95 of 100 16:37:52: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 96 of 100 16:37:52: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 97 of 100 16:37:52: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 98 of 100 16:37:52: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 99 of 100 16:37:53: DEBUG: Only 0 bytes written of 228 requested, attempt 100 of 100 _____ | ___| | |__ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ | __| '__| '__/ _ \| '__| | |__| | | | | (_) | | \____/_| |_| \___/|_| 16:37:53: {ERROR: WritePort:5103 Could not write to '\\.\COM10', Windows API WriteFile failed! Your device is probably *not* on this port, attempted 100 times